Comprehensive Portfolio Management for Healthcare Real Estate: Enabling Efficiency and Healthcare Delivery

In the ever-growing competitive healthcare landscape, health systems, physician practices, and other providers are constantly challenged to operate more efficiently. They must simultaneously balance the dynamics of continuous growth and high-quality care with a mandate to contain costs and streamline operations. These challenges can make it easy for healthcare providers to overlook the enormous potential for strategic and financial opportunities that may lie within their real estate portfolios.

Real estate continues to be, and will always be, a critical component in the delivery of healthcare. With most healthcare providers owning or leasing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of square feet of real estate, it comes as no surprise that real estate and facilities typically equate to one of the largest assets on the balance sheet and one of the largest expenses on the income statement. Transitioning from the tactical, day-to-day operational approach of real estate property management, to a more holistic approach rooted in organizational strategy can empower healthcare leaders to utilize a more strategic, business-minded approach to leverage real estate to achieve broader strategic objectives.

While traditional healthcare property management functions like maintenance and work orders, vendor coordination, and building rules and regulations, are certainly imperative to the successful management of a healthcare facility, they are often tactically focused without consideration of bigger picture strategic and operational considerations across the overall portfolio of properties. Expanding to an all-encompassing healthcare real estate portfolio management approach to assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats offers a competitive advantage in a versatile environment to those who capitalize on critical operational and strategic opportunities related to real estate.

There are a number of key elements in effective healthcare real estate portfolio management including strategic alignment, portfolio tracking and reporting, relationship management, enterprise facility management, and regulatory compliance. To learn more, download our white paper, “Comprehensive Portfolio Management for Healthcare Real Estate: Shifting the Approach to Healthcare Real Estate Management.”

To learn more about Healthcare Real Estate Portfolio Management, visit our website and contact us today!