Forrest Gardner, CPA

Connect With Forrest

Office: 615-514-2974
Cell: 615-354-7100

Nashville Office

215 Centerview Drive
Suite 330
Brentwood, TN 37027

Forrest Gardner, CPA

Senior Vice President

Forrest joined Realty Trust Group in 2019 to spearhead the firm’s Nashville office and drive growth in the Middle Tennessee market. He has over 20 years of experience in the Nashville market as a senior financial professional in the healthcare provider and healthcare real estate industries. He has specialization in mergers and acquisitions, financial and real estate operations, due diligence, and audit functions for private and public companies as well as healthcare start-ups.

Forrest has significant experience in the development and operations of various healthcare facilities, including:

  • Comprehensive analytical, advisory, and audit services
  • Asset management system development and implementation
  • Negotiation of property leases with physician owners or landlords at the formation of joint venture partnerships
  • Development and implementation of standardized accounting policies and procedures
  • Preparing acquisition target models and performing financial due diligence
  • Numerous other transaction and operational assignments

Most recently, Forrest served as Senior Vice President, Asset & Investment Management, with MedEquities Realty Trust, Inc. (NYSE: MRT). From inception, he oversaw MedEquities’ real estate and mortgage loan portfolio and was the lead underwriter for the first $500 million transacted. He previously served as Chief Financial Officer of Radiation Oncology Services of America, Inc. and Vice President of Finance at Renal Care Group, Inc. (NYSE: RCI).

Awards & Affiliations

Forrest is a Certified Public Accountant who earned a Bachelor of Science in accounting from Harding University.

Giving Back

Forrest volunteers with the Williamson County Soccer Association, Brentwood Academy, and The Nairobi Great Commission School in Nairobi, Kenya.

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We’re Ready to Help

Managing more than 20.0 million square feet of healthcare real estate and completed projects in 35+ states, RTG can help you gain market leadership and enhance your delivery of care through innovative real estate solutions.