Craig Flanagan

Connect With Craig

Office: 713-893-7507
Cell: 770-990-6592

Houston Office

2200 Post Oak Boulevard
Suite 1000
Houston, TX 77056

Craig Flanagan

Senior Vice President

With over 30 years of experience in commercial real estate, Craig Flanagan has played a key role in numerous strategic and project development initiatives for Realty Trust Group (RTG) clients. He currently serves as Principal and Senior Vice President and RTG’s Market Leader for the State of Texas. Additional accountabilities include providing leadership for the Transaction service line and various corporate responsibilities. Relevant healthcare experience includes:

Uvalde Memorial Hospital, Uvalde, Texas

  • Executive Project Leader.
  • Development of 80,000 SF Medical Office Building plus other hospital campus improvements.
  • Facilitated physician & service line demand analysis and overall project team selection.

Northside Health System, Atlanta, Georgia

  • Project lead for developing Northside Midtown Medical located in Atlanta, GA – 169,000-square-foot medical office building (MOB) with a vertically integrated seven-level parking deck.
  • Project lead for disposition of Northside Midtown Medical MOB.
  • Site selection, developer selection, and client representative for Northside East Cobb – 100,000-square- foot MOB.
  • Physician syndication.
  • Key strategic property acquisitions.

Beaumont Health System, Southfield, Michigan

  • In-source leader for real estate operations

Northside Midtown Medical won the category for “Best New Medical Office Building and Outpatient Facilities (100,000 square feet or more)” for 2018, awarded by Healthcare Real Estate Insights. Craig also represented Northside Hospital in the site selection and negotiation of their office lease for approximately 178,000 square feet. The Atlanta Business Chronicle recognized the transaction as one of the top five lease transactions in Metro Atlanta in 2018. Previously at Duke Realty Corporation, Craig completed the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Office Deal of the Year for 2011.

Before joining Duke Realty, Craig was employed by Colonnade Properties (a private REIT) as Managing Director of Peachtree Center located in Downtown Atlanta. The project consisted of a 2.5-million-square foot, Class “A” multi-use environment, including 2.2 million square feet of office space, 134,000 square feet of retail, three parking garages, and a 75,000-square-foot athletic facility.

Awards & Affiliations

Craig is a licensed broker in Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Texas, and Vermont. He was previously named among the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s 100 Who’s Who.

Community Service

Craig was a board member for Central Atlanta Progress for a span of five years, as well as the Chairman of the Downtown Interagency Law Enforcement Task. He is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives (Southeast Texas Chapter). He is involved in numerous other civic and volunteer activities.


BA Georgia State University, 1982

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We’re Ready to Help

Managing more than 23.0 million square feet of healthcare real estate and completed projects in 35+ states, RTG can help you gain market leadership and enhance your delivery of care through innovative real estate solutions.